UPDATE 1-Glitch halts Toronto trade of Nortel stock

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

Shares of Nortel Networks Corp. , the Toronto
Stock Exchange's most heavily weighted stock,
remained unavailable for trading at noon on
Thursday due to an unexplained technical problem.

. . .

The glitch is one of several problems that have
halted trade on the technically challenged stock
exchange in the past year.

"There's some technical glitch and they can't
enter orders and they have not been given a time
frame when it will be fixed and open for trading
again," said Andrew McCreath, a fund manager at
Synergy Mutual Funds, in Toronto. "Another good
old TSE mess up -- that's what it boils down to."

In early March, the TSE suffered a major breakdown
that halted trade for more than two and a half hours.


-- spider (spider0@usa.net), June 04, 2000


Earlier link

-- spider (spider0@usa.net), June 04, 2000.

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