Cottage Cheese from goat milk : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Goat people, I am wading in delicious, creamy, Saanen milk. I have made two gallons of yogurt and tried to make cottage cheese this week alone. Recipes? Why didn't I get bigger curds in my cottage cheese? It turned out like ricotta.

-- Rachel (, June 05, 2000


So, I added honey and crushed pineapple to the 'ricotta' and called it cream cheese. It's delicious!

-- Rachel (, June 05, 2000.

The cottage cheese i have made out of goat milk always has a bit of a sweeter taste to it and is like ricotta. I love to make stuffed shells, lasagana, etc. out of it. I have a ton of recipies for cheeses, fudge, etc., I'll try to post them a few at a time. I found a lot of mine by typing in cheese or goat cheese recipies on a search or try even goats, a lot of websites have recipies on them. Take care.


-- Bernice (, June 05, 2000.

Rachel, over at put cheese in the search engine, they have a cheesemakers group with archives you will drool over, and if you hit a snag, like with my feta, you can post and ask specific questions. They could answer your cottage cheese question whether you are talking about sheep, goat or cows milk! Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh (, June 05, 2000.

Thanks, Vicki and Bernice! I did surf a little and find some good recipes. Made sour cream with dill and lemon yesterday.

-- Rachel (, June 07, 2000.

The small curd may be attributed to the naturally homoginized nature of goat's milk. We've made "cottage" (as in made in a cottage or by cottagers) cheese with goat's milk and it had small curds also.

-- goat hobbyist (, June 08, 2000.

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