Pictures with text : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

new to the digital photo thing, I need to put together a report consisting of digital photos one or two photos per page including a small line of text below the picture, I am wondering if anyone has come across a software out their that could simplify this for me

-- Greg Ham (, June 06, 2000


Adobe PhotoDeluxe will let you add text to pictures. I suppose other photo-editing software does also. I use Adobe PD for such and it gives a wide selection of fonts, sizes and colors.

-- Jim OBrien (, June 06, 2000.

Hi. What are you using to do your report? I pull digital images into Word and Publisher documents and add captions and text. You have a lot of flexibility this way - change the fonts; change the color; change the size; put the captions over, under, next-to the picture; make the background transparent and put the caption on the picture.

-- E. Morrisot (, June 06, 2000.

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