A Method For Getting Techniques

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MR2 : One Thread

This is a method that I posted at the Monster Rancher Metropolis, and people seemed to like it, so maybe you will too. It's a way to get your monsters to learn techniques really fast. It's a pure common sense idea, though. Maybe you guys already do this, but anyways: Take a Suezo (cuz they have good INT) And train it purely in INT. Send it to errantries a lot so it will learn a lot of moves. Don't put it in battles, cuz they will shorten lifespan. Get it to learn as much moves as possible. When Colt wants it to retire, freeze it, and do the process again with a different monster. Combine then, and you will have a monster beginning with a LOT of techniques!!! That way, it will be MUCH easier to win battles, and you will never have to waste time/money on errantries ever again!! Whenever the combinations start to run low on techniques, do the method again! It really works! Make sure the resulted monster fights a lot tho, so it can get chain techniques which will be carried over. Hope you guys like it!

(Like I said, Common sense, isn't it?)


-- ElfinFyre (NeoGenesis_15@hotmail.com), June 06, 2000


Ishould try that

-- Bloodshed (psychotic_mage@@bored.com), June 06, 2000.

One Q, why would it need high int.?

-- RaPtOr2157 (raptor2157@aol.com), June 06, 2000.

High INT ensures that your monster will learn a technique at the errantry. The higher the INT, the higher the chance of learning a new technique.

-- ElfinFyre (NeoGenesis_15@hotmail.com), June 06, 2000.

My durahan with less than 50 int. used to learn them all the time

-- RaPtOr2157 (raptor2157@aol.com), June 07, 2000.

INT is not necessary- But it increases the chance of learning new techniques. It doesn't hurt.

-- ElfinFyre (NeoGenesis_15@hotmail.com), June 08, 2000.

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