third party flash for A2 : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread


I am looking for a cheaper flash for my EOS A2. Sigma 430 or Sunpack 4000 or 433 or 440. Maybe a Canon 430 or 420 (but the seem to run $200). I am hoping to not spend too much (hopefully <$100, but maybe more). I want enough power to be able to add a diffuser, tilt and swivel and use the three zones for for the A-TTL. Any comments on third party flash functioning with the A2 would be apprecated.


-- daniel uhlig (, June 06, 2000


None of the above mentioned flash units will do A-TTL (except for the 420 & 430 EZ's. As I understand it though, the straight TTL that they will do, does utilize the three zone metering in the A2.

The Sigma 430 is generaly considered to be poorly built and somewhat trouble prone, from what I have heard. I've never used one though. Sigma does make 2 versions of the 430, and I don't know if the Super model is any more reliable than the ST. It does offer more features though.

I don't know anything about the Sunpak AF units, but I have an old 520 that I like.

Canon 420EZ's can be had for about $150. The 430EZ adds flash exposure compensation, but since your A2 has that in the camera body the 420EZ is probably a better buy for you.

-- Jim Strutz (, June 06, 2000.

either of the canon units would be good. i have the 430. bought it used for under 200... it A-TTL, tilt and swivel.

-- howard shen (, June 07, 2000.

For around 130 US$ you can buy the brandnew Metz 40 AF4. For full details have a look at Given the brand's fine reputation, I would seriously consider this option. I'm not sure about the availability in the States however. Hope this helps.

-- Ivan Verschoote (, June 08, 2000.

Ooops, a look at the B&H site revealed that the Metz 40AF4 doesn't swivel. Its actual cost is 160 US$, but it seems out of stock at B&H.

-- Ivan Verschoote (, June 08, 2000.

Hi! The "new" Metz 40 AF-4 is the same flash as Sunpak AF4000. Actually the Metz flash is made by Sunpak. It is a little more expensive though, you have to pay for the brand ;-) I have a Sunpak AF4000 for my EOS 600 and it works well but your right in that it don't swivel only tilt. It's quite small for it's power and very robustly built and it has second curtain sync. It lacks flash exposure compensation, but that you have on your A2. I think the Sunpak has a great value for the price! Regards / Matti

-- Matti Ohlsin (, June 11, 2000.

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