What do you like to sing?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Blowing Bubbles : One Thread |
If you were going to sing a song in a studio, what would you pick? What do you like to sing around the house/the shower/the streets?
-- Sherry (sherina@masc.ca), June 08, 2000
Clover; oh crap. Now that's stuck in my head.:)
-- Sherry (sherina@masc.ca), June 13, 2000.
I too am shy when it comes to performing in front of other people, which is why it is a good thing that my band doesn't gig ;) I still love to sing, and as I start to believe more in my vocal abilities (not necessarily talents) I find it easier to sing. For example when someone hasn't heard a song I mention in a conversation I feel confident now that I don't sound like a complete moron when I sing a few verses for them.The problem I have with singing is that I have a hard time remembering the words. When I sing songs I have written I don't have this problem, but I always have this fear I am gonna screw up when we cover another song that I need to have the lyrics at least near by. It is the main reason I fear performing (as opposed to simply singing).
Anyways, the question was what song(s) do I like to sing. There are bunches, but some favorites are:
Viola Lee Blues - an old blues song that the Grateful Dead covered in their early days when Pigpen (not the one from Peanuts) was still alive.
Hard to Handle - An old Otis Redding song that many people have covered. I like to do it like Pigpen and the Dead used to do it, with a sprinkling of the Black Crowes version mixed in.
Eyes of the World - One of my all-tim favorite songs. This one a Dead original. As much as I enjoy singing with my friends in our band, I enjoy even more singing with Mary. We have a lot of fun singing songs when they are on the CD in the house. We have even more fun belting them out in the car. Again, mostly songs the Dead covered, but with her it is usually the "cowboy songs." She loves to sing El Paso. We love to sing Mama Tried and Big River (Johnny Cash tune). We especially like to harmonize on Cumberland Blues (Dead tune).
Heck, we like to sing often together.
-- scully (rick@terrapin-gardens.net), June 09, 2000.
Oops. Completely forgot how much Mary and I love to sing Indigo Girls songs at the top of our lungs while driving down the highway :) -scully
Terrapin Gardens
-- scully (rick@terrapin-gardens.net), June 09, 2000.
"Oh, Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes-Benz..."Clover
-- Clover Jones (aspidistra6242@my-deja.com), June 12, 2000.
I've been singing "Can't stop" by Jacksoul alot even though I probably suck at it since I can't hit high notes all too well.The two songs I can sing well and sing fairly often are "On A Day Like Today" by Bryan Adams and "Faded" by soulDescion.
-- Arthur (art_m@telusplanet.net), June 14, 2000.
I love to sing (even though they always yell at me to stop), butI can't really answer your question. I just sing whenever and whatever is in my head. Besides songs on Star 104 and The Point, I just sing my groups songs, usually my song. I have about 6 songs, and our group used two of mine (called Sacred Things (which only makes sense when you remember that our goup is called *Sacred Hearts*-yea, it's corny, but I don't care) and Your The One). (I'll type them if you want...just ask.) We have 4 (5 if you count intsruments) members in our group. We all sing, so we don't have any instruments (except for teh 5th member who plays the keyboard and the clarinet-and if I don't sing, I play clarinet with her). Okay, enough of my jabberish. I talk WWAAYY too much. Sorry. :( Anyway-my answers. 1-I like to sing *Your The One* and/or whatever's in my head. 2-Your The One (from Sacred Hearts), Perfect Fan (by BSB), Broadway (By Googoo Dolls), or Baby Black Balloon (also by the Googoo Dolls). 3-Look at No. 2 for answers to No. 3. I think I'll stop my jubberish now...sorry! :(
-- Courtney (crazy_horse7@hotmail.com), July 20, 2000.
I love to sing anything, really. I totally love any kind of music, but I really love female artists. I especially love Avril, Michelle Branch, Vanessa Carlton & Kelly Osborne(Papa Don't Preech). I also love a couple of songs by Aqua, Spice Girls, & Cleopatra. But I guess if I were to sing a song in front of everyone, it would have to be either Papa Don't Preech, Barbie Girl (Aqua) or Complicated (Avril). Thanks for the Q!!!
-- chelsea (poohbuggie@hotmail.com), July 02, 2002.