Kosher Bread? : LUSENET : FAQ : One Thread

I just tried your Innkeeper bread and really liked it but I am concerned as to whether or not it is kosher as it does not have the kosher symbol on the bag. Could you tell me if it is and if any of your other breads are kosher? Thank you.

-- Anonymous, June 09, 2000


Dear Christine,

Thank you very much for taking the time to write regarding our Innkeeper's line of breads. We take great pride in our products and appreciate our customers inquiries.

The Innkeeper's Line of Bread as well as our various breads baked and distributed on The West Coast are not kosher certified.

Please contact me directly at if you have any additional questions or concerns.

Sincerely, Linda Sewall Customer Service Rep.

-- Anonymous, June 12, 2000

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