Tomorrow's meeting : LUSENET : 394 : One Thread

I'm assuming people knew this, but just in case they didn't..

I will be at the SUB, in the multipurpose room (if it's split, I'll be in the west-most one) at 16:00 tomorrow (aka 4 PM). If people want to meet me there, that's cool; if not, well, I'll go home. But that's where I'll be, since we apparently didn't pick a meeting place last week when we talked about this.

If you can't or won't make it, please let me know.

-- Anonymous, June 11, 2000


would you want to meet earlier? like at 3? i have a class at four that i will skip out of at the break around five so i can meet you is everyone feeling about this presentation? i think we'll be fine as long as we each have something to say that is unique. see you guys tomorrow.


-- Anonymous, June 12, 2000

Three is okay too; my major thing about tomorrow is a meeting at one, so it doesn't really matter to me when so long as it's after about 2:30. If people think there's something to be gained by meeting earlier, then by all means I'll be there; Krisztina, if you want to meet at three, just say so and I'll see you.

-- Anonymous, June 12, 2000

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