Canon High Power Ni-Cd Pack : LUSENET : Canon FD : One Thread |
Hi there,Just bought a AE Motordrive FN, High Power Ni-Cd Pack, Battery Cord FN plus Ni-Cd MA/FN charger for my New F1. I have three questions regarding this combination: 1. When do you know if the accu is fully charged? 2. There is no voltage on the frontconnector for the Battery Cord when the motordrive is powered. I checked for loose connections inside the accu but everything seems ok. 3. After 8 hour charging the accu could just transport one 36 film. Maybe memory problems?
Can anybody help me out?
Thanks in advance
-- Robert H. Sabelis (, June 14, 2000
If it is working, but not lasting as long as you expect, I would figure that one or more cells in the pack are dead or reversed (electircally not physically). You will probably have to have the pack rebuilt.
-- Terry Carraway (, June 14, 2000.
If the pack is a few years old the batteries are likely to need replacing. Sometimes they can be revived by repeated charge and discharge. Try running it down a few more times and it could well improve.
-- Gareth Watkins (, May 01, 2001.