Mew! : LUSENET : MR2 : One Thread

I can't find a Mew! I've been trying about 50 cds, but still haven't got one! Any ideas? (And yes, I am able to get one, I did the representative thing...)

-- MegaMalletMan (, June 16, 2000


mews are relatively rare - i only have about 5 in a 500 cd collection, and you dont have those cds - trust me on that one.

the best way is, if you have mr1, get a cat doll, make a mew, and slate it over.

-- torey luvullo (, June 16, 2000.

are there any possible combinations?

-- MegaMalletMan (, June 16, 2000.

If you're asking what I think you are, Mew isn't a sub-species for any monster, but there area few possible combos with a Mew as the main species: Mum Mew:(Mew/Pixie); BowWow:(Mew/Tiger); Eared Mew: (Mew/Hare); Aqua Mew:(Mew/Jell); and Swimmer:(Mew/???) that comes from the Nirvana-Nevermind CD, but only off very rare pressings of it.

-- Tony (, June 18, 2000.


-- MegaMalletMan (, June 18, 2000.

They're not worth it.

-- Super Master Kung-Fu Ninja (, June 18, 2000.

I have owned all Mews except Aqua Mew and Swimmer. They're good at speed but dumb as doornails. And they're fun to watch, I like it when they dance ^-^
-- War Motimon (, June 18, 2000.

There not that tough,but I know how it is.My sister has over 100 music CD's and I went through them all and I think there was like 10 locked out,and 2 Mews a long eared one that was a Mew/hare and another that was a mix I can't quite remember.

-- Candyman (, June 19, 2000.

Ah got a mew! Yayyy! It was a Mum Mew. Well cya!

-- MegaMalletMan (, June 26, 2000.

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