Mirc help please

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I've downloaded Mirc but I canna get nowhere, help me! I'm melting....melting......mellllllllttting...

PS, Bill gates can suck.....kiss my ass. My next puter is gonna be a Mac.

-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), June 16, 2000


Unc, come to Boks and tell me what kind of problem you are having.

-- kritter (kritter@adelphia.net), June 16, 2000.

Yes! Macs RULE !!!!! And Billy Goat gonna get his, eventually. Though his software now runs real real nice on Macs, thanks to Steve Job's effective arm-twisting. MMMMmmmmmm.

-- Ashton & Leska in Cascadia (allaha@earthlink.net), June 17, 2000.

Be patient, Unk, keep trying and keep whining. Krit will help you, or Greybear, or somebody.

My personal technique is to keep clicking on different things until I lock up the puter.


-- gene (ekbaker@essex1.com), June 17, 2000.

Unk, if you are going to talk like a degenerate maybe you should forget mIRC and go hang out with those who enjoy your filth.

-- Respectful (I'm@notperfect.com), June 18, 2000.

A&L, a Mac, hmmmmm????

"Ack! the $15"

You'll never get your number from New Zealand.

-- Dennis (djolson@fuse.net), June 18, 2000.

Did you hear the latest on that...the guy says they sent it to some now defunct mailbox...and they have NO idea where that check is now. Not really a problem, you *could* cancel a check..but chances are good it probably will never be cashed. However, just knowing yer check is floating around in some foreign country is kinda strange, is it not?

-- kritter (kritter@adelphia.net), June 18, 2000.

Now, now, Dennis & kritter, don't cackle and gang up on the misfortunate like a pair of ravenous vultures ;^)
We did wait a whole year before sending it in, and it is only $15, after all. And it was sent to The Netherlands in good faith, according to the directions on the Web Site.

We are very happy with our iMac, and with Apple in general. Have you looked at the new OS coming out? In a year AppleLand will be a VERY advanced + happy place to compute! Now, excellent; in a year, unmatched superiority.

IRCle is shareware stuff ... that always carries a risk, as do many dot.coms currently going belly-up and devouring stock investment on their way out.

Why, just look at Microsoft! :-)

-- Ashton & Leska in Cascadia (allaha@earthlink.net), June 20, 2000.

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