Has anyone first hand knowledge of efficacy of ultrasonic vole repellers?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have a vole problem in my carrots. I am considering using one of those gizmos that emits sound waves which are supposed to keep voles away. Do these devices work as advertised? I would like to see comments from people who have tried using them.
-- Arthur Hooton (art@trfarm.com), June 17, 2000
I ordered 3 of them from "DR" (the string trimmer people) and have 2 on line now, they are working. It took about 2 days before they were gone, ( I am speaking of Gophers as well as voles), they moved to another place, I put in another one and they are gone from there, now i have to put one in the garden. I paid $15 a piece for them, then saw them at Costco but they were the same price. The ones I have use 4-D cells and they clain they last 4-6 months. The vibration cycle is 2 second on 20 seconds off, I am curious as to how it affects the earth worms?
-- Hendo (redgate@echoweb.net), June 17, 2000.
What's a vole? Never heard of one before.
-- Jennifer (KY) (acornfork@hotmail.com), June 17, 2000.
Jennifer, voles are often called meadow mice. They are like plump, short-tailed mice. They multiply like weeds and sometimes build up huge populations - their purpose in life seems to be to provide food for hawks, foxes, snakes, etc. Last year I planted potatoes under mulch, and voles ate about 1/3 of them. Maybe I'll try this vibrating gizmo.
-- Sam in W.Va. (snorris@dnr.state.wv.us), June 18, 2000.
I guess I should be lucky not knowing what it is. We haven't had any problems with that, but I noticed you're not too far away from me so I now know something to watch for. Thanks.
-- Jennifer (KY) (acornfork@hotmail.com), June 18, 2000.