Selling old CDs : LUSENET : Squishy : One Thread

If you're like me, you own cds you never listen to and can't remember why you bought in the first place. I'm looking for various places on the internet that will buy them back. Here's what I've found so far (a gift for Squishy readers).

Second Spin - From what I can tell, not bad, though for my 11 crappy cds, they're paying $19. Not so great, and I have to pay shipping.

Used Music Exchange - I don't have all my cds in yet, but they appear to pay around what Second Spin pays, but they pay shipping. Such a better deal.

Anyone know of other sites?

-- Anonymous, June 17, 2000


Wow. I don't have a site to offer, but I have to say thanks. I had no idea there was sites like that on the web. I normally just take my old CD's down to the pawn shop and get rid of them there. You didn't get a whole lot of money for all those CD's, but I get even less from the pawn store. I guess it doesn't really matter, because it's not like they were worth anything to you if you weren't listening to them. I'll remember that when I deciede I'm ready to part with my New Kids on the Block and Whigfield albums. LOL

-- Anonymous, June 17, 2000

I think is good too... at least for buying them :) not so sure about selling though.

-- Anonymous, June 17, 2000

I also don't know any sites, but have you tried checking your local record stores? I work at one that buys back used CDs as long as they don't have any surface scratches, we pay about $3/CD. There's another store in my city that also buys used CDs and they're a little less picky about the condition they have to be in (we guarantee ours to be like new). So just a thought in that direction...

-- Anonymous, June 18, 2000

how about auctioning them in ?

-- Anonymous, June 18, 2000

hey Mel - i think you may have to pay THEM to take 'new kids on the block' off your hands. : )

-- Anonymous, June 19, 2000

From what I've seen the best place to sell is ebay. It may be a little extra work, but you sure get a lot more money. Plus the buyer pays shipping.
(If you do decide to go this route you can get the shipping envelopes at an office supply place for much cheaper than the post office, btw.)

-- Anonymous, June 19, 2000

I used to sell a Will Smith CD. There were more than 50 listings for that same CD, but I sold mine within a week by undercutting everyone else's price by 25 cents. The whole process was pretty painless, and I got $6 for it, which is more than I would get at the local Amoeba. So they get my vote. They're now affiliated with Ebay as well, so the buying audience just got larger.

I'll definitely use them again when an album gets on my nerves.

-- Anonymous, June 20, 2000

I'm with Dave. I can't believe the amount of money people get for some CDs that aren't even "hard to find" or out of print on eBay. You should try listing a couple and see what kind of response you get, or browse and see what other people are getting for what you have.

-- Anonymous, June 20, 2000

I like -- they don't pay you, but you get to trade the stuff you don't want for stuff other people don't want, and since other people often have sucky taste, I've managed to "trade up" quite a bit. They handle movies and computer games, too.

-- Anonymous, June 21, 2000

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