I just got my CoolPix 990!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I've taken a few pictures on fully automatic. I'm very impressed! Flash pictures of my cat show serious red-eye, but I expected that. The 16 MB memory card is not really adequate. What are my options to increase the memory available? Larger memory cards? Also, what do you think of the Lexar Jumpshot USB cable? Is it worth the $10? Thanks for any comments. John

-- John Baughman (jbaugh@relia.net), June 19, 2000


That's a good question. You can purchase larger compact flash cards. I think it also depends on the type of shooting you will be doing. You can figure out how many pictures you can take per card by figuring the quality you want to shoot and will you have easy access to download them to your computer. If you go on vacation and plan to take a load of photos then you could bring your notebook ( if you have one) or you can look into the new digital wallet that is comming out very soon. I think it will be about $400.00 but it will hold alot. We are talking Gigabytes. It is supposed to be a self contained hard drive so it will have many uses. I don't know if I helped you. Good luck Allen

-- Allen Mankin (gadget2@mindspring.com), June 27, 2000.

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