The results are in... : LUSENET : MR2 : One Thread

Candyman said he was not this all of the sudden imposter...............that was not a lie I have proof, that in fact candyman is not our imposter i checked this pee guys IP address and i listed 4posts and two of them said candyman, but it was mean stuff, the i checked the IP address on one of candymans, post and they were completely different, there were like a hundred posts from him. so candyman is not the pee imposter

-- Bloodshed (, June 20, 2000


thanx bloodshed. i dont know what happened at candyman's then, but at your board its looking more like an old style googely moogely imposter situation than a bobby fatman 'destroy them all' kind of situation. i guess thats better...

-- torey luvullo (, June 20, 2000.

Out of curiosity....what DID ever happen to Great Googely Moogely?

Yeah, I doubted Candyman was doing the hacker/wierd postings stuff. He seemed to be a little more common than to do something like that. Usually those people only show up once, do their stuff, then leave. Candyman not only posted here and at other boards, but also had his own baord. I didn't have any REAL proof....but I chose to believe Candyman, and looks like he was telling the truth after all!

-- ElfinFyre (, June 22, 2000.

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