What's this black fungus on our yellow squash???

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Help! Our yellow squash was looking great but just as it's getting ripe for picking it's developing this fuzzy black fungus. It seems to start as the flower begins to die then quickly spreads up the fruit. The squash isn't mulched and I only water in the mornings. Our soil is very sandy so it drains quite quickly. Any ideas? I would rather not use chemicals if there is a more natural remedy. Thanks for any help, Pauline

-- Pauline Adderley (tworoosters_farm@AltaVista.com), June 20, 2000


Sounds like blossom end rot. My tomatoes get that in the greenhouse if I dont keep up on the watering during hot spells. I would suggest a mulch.

-- MIKE (MSTYDALE@AEROINC.NET), June 21, 2000.

Thanks Mike! I wondered if that's what it was. Will put some mulch around them and see if things improve. It has been extremely hot. Thanks again, Pauline

-- Pauline Adderley (tworoosters_farm@AltaVista.com), June 25, 2000.

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