Watermelon jelly and tomato horn worms

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I need a recipe for watermelon jelly. Also I am having a time with tomato hornworms. I try to pick them off by hand and feed them to the hens but I seem to be missing alot of them. I am trying to grow organic but these little guys aren't playing fair. They are devouring my plants fast. Help! Bonnie

-- Bonnie (josabo1@juno.com), June 21, 2000


Bacillus thuringensis is your best bet for horn worms and quite a few other similar pests. It comes in a liquid and a wettable powder. Most of the time it's available at regular greenhouse outlets, not places like WalMart that are only seasonal. Gardens Alive has it and the other forms that kill mosquito larvae in standing water and bean beetles.

There is something particularly satifying to me to feed them to my hens--somewhat the ultimate revenge as I wouldn't eat one on a bet but I'll eat the eggs the hen produces. I know--I'm one sick puppy!

Good luck against them!

-- marilyn (rainbow@ktis.net), June 21, 2000.

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