Carter, Speight Families : LUSENET : Genealogy Queries for Stanly County, North Carolina : One Thread

My grandmother, Cornelia Emmaline Speight (1874-1964) was married to Samuel Davis Carter (8147-1918) and to P.D. Jackson. Her father was Zion Speight and Margaret Honeycoutt. I'm looking for information on both gr.grandmother and gr.grandfather.

-- Gail C. Nichols (, June 22, 2000


Gail, Jo Stallings Short has written a book about the Speight family in Stanly Co. She probably has a copy that you could buy. Her postal address is: 2407 Stratford Oaks Ct. Burlington, NC 27215 Sion Speight was the son of Alexander Speight and Winna Hinson. Margaret Huneycutt was the daughter of William R. Huneycutt and Lydia Brooks. I also have some criminal action papers relating to your ancestor Sion Speight. Apparently, when he was young he like to bother a church congregation during their service. Leah

-- Leah Sims (, June 26, 2000.

Leah - Any idea were the parents of the above Lydia Brooks Honeycutt? Thanks and Regards. John Speight, grandson of Daniel Speight and Mary Katherine Eudy.

-- John Speight (, May 10, 2001.

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