tetrist rom?greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread |
Jose Q doesn't have this rom on his page, any suggestions where I can get it? I have the other Sega ver. and all the rest of the Tetris variances, except for this one.Regards, Steve Krogman
-- stephen krogman (skrogman@bellsouth.net), June 23, 2000
Try www.mame.dk or www.arcadeathome.com, they are the ones where I usually find all the romsets I need.
-- Vaz (mrvaz@inwind.it), June 23, 2000.
It'll probably be available in JoseQ's site in the raine section, as the set has been suported for a long time in Raine
-- bubble (bubble@mail.pt), June 23, 2000.