Baby Goat : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Purchased baby buck Nubian/Boar x from flea market. Was told mother died. Kid is about 1 or 2 week's old. He is taking goat milk fine but his bowels are loose and look like light green cottage cheese.Is this a problem or will it clear up in time. Would appreciate feedback on this.Thanks Connie

-- Connie McNabb (, June 26, 2000


Not a good sign that green gooey poop . I've had lots of little lambs in my bathroom or bathtub because they weren't accepted from their mom ... unfortunatley most of them die. Try the best you can but there really is nothing you can do.

-- kelly (, June 26, 2000.

Connie, honestly with all of the problems that come with lack of getting colostrum I would usually not feel very incouraged, but if you could use any of the new products they have out now, you could have a great result. First I would use spectam scour halt, since green stinky poop at this age is usually E-coli you can get it from large feed stores or order it from Jeffers, called Pig Pump also. Get this little one on this it works great. Second order yourself some ID-1 or Immune G, I know Hoeggers sells the ImmuneG and several folks sell the ID-1 on the internet you can order it from Linda Campbells site it costs $23.50 and is very ecconomical to use. Woth keeping around to boost the immunity of sick animals and also if you are a baby animal sucker like I am! Keep and eye on this little ones temp, Naxcel or Excenel from the vet will take a fever down from E-coli quickly, we also use sub Q injections of Ringers rather than wasting his tummy space with tubeing electrolytes, save his tummy space for milk that has calories for him to grow and get well. Good luck! Vicki McGaugh

-- Vicki McGaugh (, June 26, 2000.

Thanks Vicki: I like to know that I tried instead of just giving up on the little guy.Will give all this a good try. Thanks again Connie

-- Connie McNabb (, June 26, 2000.

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