Looking for good state/county cooperative extentions on the web

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hi, Im looking for good state/county cooperative extentions that have lots of good info available on the web. The one in Alaska is kind of anemic and it seems to take forever to do web searches and wade through all the hits to find the occasional nugget of info Im looking for.
Any ideas?



-- Dave (AK) (daveh@ecosse.net), June 28, 2000


Dave, I have found the Oklahoma State University site very informative. Try this.


-- Mona (jascamp@ipa.net), June 29, 2000.

Try Cornell University Extention service, I don't know the URL

-- Hendo (OR) (redgate@echoweb.net), June 29, 2000.

Here is what I would call a 'master' link to all 50 states' extension services:


It gives you a nice US map and all you need to do is click on the desired state. You're then given some different choices within that state. I've had the best luck with the 'agricultural' college links. As far as looking for a particular item, I've found you need to think in terms of whatever it is you're looking for might be used. For instance, if you're looking for water conservation related issues, check out the arid states. The eastern Appalachian (sp) states tend to have good info, west Virginia in particular.

When you visit the site, look for 'Publications' or 'Documents'; I've found that this is where most of the material is located. A lot of states have converted their materials into Adobe .PDF files, so you will need the viewer. On the 'free' printed material, I've had pretty good luck with emailing the contact listed and asking if an 'out of stater' could also receive the material.

Hope some of this helps.


-- j (jw_hsv@yahoo.com), June 29, 2000.

Thanks! I'll check them out

-- Dave (AK) (daveh@ecosse.net), June 29, 2000.

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