A course from New Hampshire

greenspun.com : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

Okay, you want a description of a course? I ran a course about two weeks ago, on June 18 (Wednesday evening). It was at Beaver Brook (Hollis, NH), which was coincidentally also the first place I ever orienteering, back in 1978. The current map is better than the USGS we used back then -- but not by much. A few of the controls were in areas of the map that didn't particularly resemble the terrain. The fifth control was the most interesting one for me. Getting there was a simple matter of getting onto a major trail and running north for a few hundred meters to a boulder next to the trail, and leaving was a laborious trudge up a hill to some dubiously mapped trails. But by my somewhat arbitrary counting methods, that fifth control was my 10000th lifetime control. Photos were taken, and may appear in a future issue of O/NA.

-- J-J (jjcote@juno.com), July 02, 2000


Congratulations J.J., however arbitrary they may be.

-- Snorkel (danielmeenehan@aol.com), July 03, 2000.

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