downloading compact flash card while traveling. : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I have just purchased a Kodak 290. I will be shooting the equivalent of 10 rolls of film on vacation. I only have a home pc, no lap top. Is there any capability out there (to avoid buying costly 64 mb cards) that would allow me to download my card when its full, so I can reuse it while traveling ? Thanx!

-- Mary Halloran (, July 03, 2000


Mary, Your information is a bit sketchy, but there are ways around this with a bit more knowledge. Does your ISP provide storage space even if it is in the form of web page space? You can probably ftp a good amount of images there from a hotel or cyber cafe. There are many sites which offer free storage space up to (and with a proper search maybe more) 50 megs of free space. A little creative searching should solve your problems even if you have to access multiple sites for the space. By the Way, The Kodak 290 is very nice for what you are doing, and I have this plus the $10k Canons. You should be very happy with your output from the Kodak with a high resolution save.


-- fred (, July 03, 2000.

1.If you will have access to a PC while on vacation, I can think of one or two ways. If your ISP provides you with web space, you could upload your pictures to that space, and then download them when you get home. The other is one of those online companies that hold your data for you. I don't know the cost or time for setup of that. 2.There used to be a device called the Digital Wallet. However, for its cost, you could bye TWO 64mb cards. 3.Borrow a trusting friend's Laptop.

-- David Erskine (, July 03, 2000.

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