beginner question:output edited product to DV camera? : LUSENET : Editing DV Films : One Thread |
I have just started to experiment with the digital editing features of my computer. I guess it is very low end. I have a Compaq Presario with built in IEEE1394 port. The prepackaged software includes Apaptec's DVdeck Ver.1.2 and Asymetrix Digital Video Producer 5.0. (Which I recently discovered is a discontinued product) I have a Sony DCR - TRV103 digital 8 Camcorder.I have been able to transfer video with audio from the Sony Camcorder into the DV Producer software and splice, transition, etc and build the project into an .avi movie. Cool! The only thing I can't figure out how to do is send this finished product back to the digital camera for recording onto the tape. Is this asking too much of the equipment I have? Can anybody school me on how I might be able to make that final step? I would like to playback through the camera so that I can copy onto VHS.
-- Stephen Stump (, July 04, 2000
Sorry, I have the same question. Did you ever get an answer? I have a compaq 5600i, and SONY trv-320. The help file said if you have a SONY to hit play first, then record.... but that didn't work...???
-- Joel Wycoff (, January 01, 2001.