want to buy Nigerian dwarf goats

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Looking to buy at least two doelings, registered Nigerian Dwarf, with a recent CAE negative test result. Age is negotiable...also interested in young buck and a wether to keep him company. Hoping to find such sweet goats in a location somewhere near north Mississippi (we are about one hour south of Memphis). Please email if you have such goats for sale and i would love to talk with you some more. I have had five years experience goat keeping, am an organic farmer and use the farm to teach children and adults about organic gardening and humane farm animal care, etc....Goats will have access to 35 acres, total, with fencing....safe from dogs, etc. I am an experienced milker and was selling up till this year....

I love goats...my farm is named Dancing Goats Farm....thanks

-- Nan (stewart@watervalley.net), July 06, 2000


If you like I can give you the nigerian regestry address and thay could give you a list of breeders in your area.

-- kathy h (saddlebronc@msn.com), July 13, 2000.

My sister-in-law has been raising/selling Nigerian Dwarf goats for years. She is in the VA area. She even has one nanny that consistly delivers 5 babies every time. I believe she does ship them but check for sure, I might be wrong about that. They are all beautifully marked, and ND goats are considered dairy goats. Her name is Terri Brown & e-mail is mbrown@internext.com Hope this is a help.

-- vicki woehr (dwwoehr@yahoo.com), July 13, 2000.

Oops!! Sorry- I gave Terri Brown's old e-mail. NOW it's woolydog@citizen.infi.net Hope she can help. --vicki

-- Vicki (dwoehr@yahoo.com), July 15, 2000.

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