Rise of the Master:Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:Showdown in Torlormec

"It was here..."

Eight cloaked figures strode across the wasteland of fire and brimstone, passed a river of molten rock. Human shaped, their features were masked by dark hoods which were crimson, like the lava flowing around them. Only their hands could be seen, clawed fingers grasping blinking electronical devices. The foremost of the group led the others toward what once was a volcano. It looked like something had erupted from within, something huge. Entering the broken and jagged crags, they descended into the steaming earth. The darkness and heat of this place was a welcome surprise to these beings, it felt like home.

Flashing scanners led them through the thick blackness to a shadowy corner. There, they found that which they were seeking. A large oval shaped machine, clearly designed to hold something, lay in the shadows. It's metal was twisted and mangled during the escape of it's contents. The leader of the party bowed his head thoughtfully while the others awaited his decision. But their youngest, overcome with curiosity, approached the wreckage for a closer look. A symbol, still readable, was engraved into the side. It was the symbol of an eye.

"Zykoror!"He gasped.

"Get away from it Nerao,"The leader spoke."This is what we feared. It has escaped and is loosed upon this world. In case of such an event the councils orders are clear...it must be destroyed, at all cost."

"Yes,"Said his second in command, Seira"But the pod has been offline for a very long time. Surely zykoror has already taken this world, the same as it did during the time of our ancient ancestors. It will be nigh impossible to stop it now."

"She's wrong,"Said a third called Neyos."Look around you, the damage to this place is recent or my scanner lies. We still have time, though I wonder how it was able to survive...Where would a host be found in a place like this?"

"That does not matter,"Seira said"Zykoror is too dangerous to toy with. I suggest we go back home and get the weapon we need to blow this place to atoms...or we could use our own powers. Only then can we be sure of our enemies defeat. Besides, the council wills us to use any force required. To ensure the safety of our world, this one is expendable."

"I will consider your requests as a last resort only,"The leader stated." There must be another way besides genocide. We must-"Suddenly his scanner began to beep madly. "I've got a reading on our quarries location. Let us hope we don't have to obliterate this world to accomplish our mission..."

The long rain had finally ceased, the grey clouds parted, pierced by the first rays of sunlight. Having long cleared the valley in which they had fought, the small army of monsters continued on, slowly yet determined still. Time wore on however, a day passed and then yet another. On the third day, after many hours of marching their steps slackened, their heads hung low. An ever growing sense of dread fell upon them. Justice tried to encourage them, urged them onward, but in the end it did little as he himself still had no idea of how to thwart the dark raven and the Master within.

"Sir,"Begras ran up to Justice. The zuum looked most troubled."The others are becoming restless. Moral is real low, many are considering leaving you."

"Just what I need."The durahan said, tapping his sword along his shoulder.

"Can you blame them sir?"Begras added"This isn't exactly what we signed on for. The only reason most of us have not left is because of our respect for you, and the dim hope that you have a plan. Not everyone feels this way however...and thats not our only problem, we're nearly out of food. As for that I already have a suggestion. I believe theres a city ahead, Torlormec it's called, we can stop there."

Justice nodded in agreement and hoped his legions would hold together just alittle longer. They had to deviate from the path to reach their new destination, but there was no choice; the search for the master would have to wait until they'd resupplied. Luck seemed to be with them for a change as the city was closer then was thought. Torlormec came into view, most visible of all was the massive coliseum in which the entire city was built around. It reminded the durahan of Windoa only much larger, over twice the size. But even from a distance something seemed amiss.

There seemed to be very little movement inside the city. Coming closer still justice could see what looked like defensive barriers being erected. Suddenly a bell began to ring wildly from within the cities walls, some kind of alarm. Hundreds of monsters poured onto the streets and gathered behind the gates, taking up fighting positions. Realizing that his army was being viewed as a threat, justice called begras and once again asked for a lift. The two then headed for Torlormec, a group of centaurs meeting them halfway.

"Who are you? State your business!"The centaur demanded, pointing is spear at the durahans armored chest. He wore a badge of status that recognized him as a captain of the IMA forces. Justice recounted the events of the last several days. The arrival of the dark raven and it's brutal assault and the battle in moo's valley base. The centuar nodded."Yes, we too have seen this raven. It flew very close to our city but left us in piece. I have no idea why it did not attack but we won't be taking any chances. Your forces may enter, so long as you swear to aid in Torlormec's defense should we be attacked during your stay."

Justice agreed and, after sending begras back to the army with the news, began to explore the city. Most of the humans were inside their homes. Children peered out of windows along with the more noisy adults. IMA troops patrolled every stone road, stood on every corner. They were mostly monsters but some human soldiers as well, and of course a few well dressed representatives of the committee. Justice passing by the cryo freezers, which were closed along with everything else. He stopped, looking through the window he saw rows upon rows of frozen monsters and couldn't help wondering if ever he would share such a fate. The durahan would much rather die in battle then exist forever in such a state.

"Hey!"A loud voice said from behind. Justice turned around and saw a huge Stronghorn standing right behind him. It was a mix of golem and beaclon, an uncommon monster to say the least. The stronghorn poked justice with his finger."I know you! Justice right? Remember me? We fought in the A class a few years back!"

"Um..."Said Justice, searching his vast memory for a name to match this face."Ganthor?"

"Yeah! Thats right!"Ganthor patted justice on the back, the force of which sent the durahan crashing to the ground."Oh, sorry bout that."

"N-no problem,"Justice said as the stronghorn helped him up."What are you doing here anyway?"

"Came with my trainer to get some dough!"Ganthor explained."Then, before I knew it, Bam! They declare martial law! We're stuck here until the crisis blows over. But what about you? I had heard you'd retired. Then I here you were second in command to general Loveless, now you show up here with all those guys followin! An I thought retirement was boring...Hey, did I tell ya what happened to Ordorf?"

"Not now,"Justice said."I have some business to take care of. We'll talk later if you want."

"Ok, I've got an appointment anyway."Ganthor said"Some weird pixie type. I don't know what she was, but she promised to buy me a drink, how can I pass that up!" Justice watched the stronghorn thunder down the road to a nearby bar. He was able to squeeze himself in, after doing a large amount of structural damage. Minutes later Celine came flying toward him, she looked quite agitated.

"Justice! I saw her!"The dryad stopped to catch her breath."That Lilim I fought with! She took the back way into that bar over there. If she's here your enemies may be as well. We can both get revenge!"

"I'm glad you told me first instead of rushing in, let us-"He stopped, hearing someone scream in the distance.They looked up and watched as the Dark Raven descended from the clouds and cast it's shadow upon the city. IMA armies rallied with justice's forces alongside them, panic spread throughout. The raven hovered over them, it's black metal body seemed to absorb light itself. It made no effort to attack, for now it waited...

"I told you already!"Ganthor screamed at the lilim. They were in the bar, not far from where Justice stood."I'm not joining your crazy little organization! Count me out!"

"Did I say you had a choice?"Jakira smiled"But if you keep pushing me i'll be forced to kill you...I haven't done that in awhile, nearly three hours. Please, force me to kill you."

"Your nuts!"The stronghorn turned his back on her. Big mistake. Jakira unleashed a bolt of enegy that knocked Ganthor flat on his face. Never had he been struck down so easily. The enraged golem pulled himself up only to become face to face with a large Crab dragon.

"Allow me to introduce my comrade,"Jakira said"His names Grapper. Say hello grapper."

Grapper grabbed the Stronghorn and hurled his massive form through a wall. Ganthor crashed through a brick wall and landed painfully on the street, sliding a few feet before coming to a halt. At this time strange flying creatures were unleashed against the IMA from within the raven, filling the sky like a swarm of locusts, but ganthor had his own problems. Jakira hovered over him and summoned a ball of rolling energy in her outstretch palm. Ganthor gasped, stareing into the soft glow of his own demise. Suddenly a lightening bolt struck Jakira's hand with deadly accuracy, the energy ball exploded sending the lilim careening into a wall.

"Jakira! Ready for round two?"Said Celine, justice beside her. Grapper burst out of the bar to aid Jakira, standing between the lilim and they're three enemies.

"Hold on Grapper,"Jakira said taking notice of the IMA troops that were filling the streets."This battle is better fought elsewhere."

With those words black flame surged forth from the ground, surrounding all the combatants. A moment later the flame subsided and Justice found himself no longer in the street, but standing in the coliseum. Ganthor and Celine stood nearby, confused as to what had just occurred. Then Grapper appeared, no more the six feet away, the huge crab dragon meeting the stronghorn eye to eye. Jakira materialized on the balcony seat overlooking the arena, a seat normally resevered for certain members of the IMA committee.

"Let the games begin!"She shouted"Grapper, kill them. Oh, and make sure there's blood, lots of blood!"

"You have enraged us,"Grapper said, putting his clawed hand to his crest, the eye began to glow red."You must die! Master attack....Demon Guard!"At first no change could be noticed, then Ganthor charged in to deliver an uppercut. His fist was turned aside by an unseen force. Justice attacked with a slash combo, each strike bouncing off an invisible barrier. Lastly Celine attacked with flame, the shearing heat revealed the protecting shield, causing it to flicker but not die. Grapper only laughed at his enemies futile attempts to harm him and attacked himself, breathing fire at them.

They dodged, Justice and Celine attacked once again but their power was deflected. It seemed that know attack whatsoever would penetrate the guard. Ganthor and the crab dragon were now going back and forth. Ganthor's blows bounced off the barrier and yet Grappers felt no resistance. How could that be...unless the shield went down to let his attacks through. Justice charged and the dragon reacted with his flame. This was in fact what the durahan wanted.

Justice acted quickly, rolling under the flames and slashed the monster in the chest. Injured, his guard dropped for a moment, grapper staggered back while Ganthor lowered his head and charged. The stronghorn, true to his namesake, impaled the crab dragon and lifted him into the air. Then, grabbing his arms and legs, ganthor ripped his enemy in half like a broiled lobster.

"What? Thats it?"Jakira said, feeling no loss over grappers death."Oh well, at least I get seafood for lunch."She laughed and summoned an entire legion of winged minions at her flank. A larger one, much like the one justice had killed in the valley, flew near her.

"I'm afraid you've really crossed the line this time durahan!"She screamed "No one slays one of the Masters warriors and lives! Overseer, kill them!" She retreated, leaving them to her minions, the larger overseer eyed them coldly.

"Oblivion!"A voice cried, and the overseer was hit with some form of energy. It began to shake and convulse violently, if the beast had a mouth it would most certainly scream. Then it began to implode, as if being painfully devoured from the inside. In a moment it was gone and the smaller minions began to retreat, unable to function without their leader. Justice looked toward the source of the attack and saw a tall figure in a long, crimson cloak.

"Who are you?"The Durahan asked. The stranger said nothing, lifting his clawed hand to reveal pulsing black energy building in his palm. Justice raised his shield, anticipating an attack. The black orb was thrown, but not at justice. Instead it was hurled upward, into the cloud of the Masters minions. Once in the middle of them the cloaked one closed his fist, the orb exploded in a cloud of ebony dust that lingered in the sky. Hundreds of dead minions rained onto Torlormec and the dark raven itself retreated into the clouds, lifting it's great shadow from the city and from the hearts of thoughs who dispaired at it's coming.

-- Black Razor (Allanmontalvo@mindspring.com), July 06, 2000

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