pumkins and squash problems

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

My squash and pumpkin vines have died before any female flowers arrived. Plenty of male flowers and everybody said " after the drought, they will come." Well, the rains came and the vines died. What's up? Can I plant again for a fall garden. I am in middle Florida and have a city garden. Thanks,Ada

-- Aagje Franken (Backyard@AOL.com), July 09, 2000


ada, I know you can replant the squash for a fall crop, not sure about the pumpkins since you live in Florida. It would be too late here in Kansas unless you had a fast growing hybrid seed, but if you live where there is little or no frost you could plant pumpkins too. Hope your new crop grows into some delicious squash and pumpkin. I know you will get answers from people who know more about gardening in Florida. karen

-- Karen Mauk (dairygoatmama@hotmail.com), July 10, 2000.

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