Quick question partially dealing with MARP

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Well, I've got MARP as the home page (nothing really better ;) ), so it automatically loads up to the news as the bottom frame. However, I don't click anything, and it takes me to http://www.burstnet.com/cgi-bin/ads/ad1390a.cgi/867/RETURN-CODE and says "Cannot Find Server". I kept hitting back, and it keeps sending me back. Finally, I guess I hit the Stop button at the right time, and it gave me freedom. Is there something with my settings that I should change to stop this from happening? This also happens to me at www.mame.dk, so that's why I'm assuming that my settings are messed up.


J.D. Lowe

-- J.D. Lowe (jedidrunkenllama@hotmail.com), July 11, 2000


Hmm You are not the only one having problems JD... Same here.. And i can4t enter Mirc either.. If you see this JD Turn on your ICQ! so we can talk!



-- QRS (qrs@telia.com), July 11, 2000.

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