elinchrom vs. photogenic monolights

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

I would like to know how these two brands of lights are comparable. How great are they in studio, how many times do they need repairs. Overall, which brand is superior or are they pretty much equal? I am setting up a studio at home and would like any tips to help me in deciding. Thank you for your time always. Carmen

-- carmen wilson (momanddad@att.net), July 12, 2000


Hi Carmen, I'm really not here to make your life more complicated, but I'm going to suggest a third option again. I have used Photogenic Powerlight monolights, Balcar monolights, and Photogenic and Speedotron power pack sysytems. At one studio I used to work for, we had ten Paul C. Buff White Lightning Ultras. After several years of hard daily use we only had to have one serviced once, and they had it back to us in 2 days! Based on my experiences with all the above systems, I bought the White Lightning Ultra 600's for myself and never regretted it. They are by far the most user friendly, dependable lights I have ever used. The people at Buff give outstanding customer service, and they stand behind their product. They have a five year warranty on everything, even the flash bulbs! They also have the most realistic modeling of any lights I have used, wich makes it easier to pre-visualise the results. No, I don't work for Paul C. Buff, I am just a very satisfied user. As to the systems you have been looking at, the Photogenics are good quality lights, but the modeling is not as accurate as the Buffs, and iin my opinion they are not quite as user friendly. I have not used they Elinchroms, but my impression is that they are pricey. I think you can get more for your dollar with the White Lightnings. They offer alot of output, features, and reliability for the buck. The Ultra 600's should be more than adequate for your home studio, but they also have new models you might want to check out. Happy hunting!

-- Kevin Kallenbach (visart7@yahoo.com), July 14, 2000.

I second the suggestion of White Lightnings. I have been using them since they first appeared on the market.

-- jim Noel (jimnoel@att.net), August 29, 2000.

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