P67II focusing screens

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Pentax 67 SLR : One Thread

The Pentax 67II comes with a microprism screen matte screen as standard, correct? I've never liked them; has anyone compared the others that are offered, like the BE-60 center-spot matte or BG-60 cross-lined matte? Is the grid screen too distracting for general and landscape work? Thanks,


-- Charles Shoffner (chasmn@aol.com), July 13, 2000


I use the BG-60 with my Pentax 67II. My only interest is landscape photography. While most people recommend the grid screen for architecture work, I like the BG-60 very much for landscape work because it helps composing the picture and balancing the horizon.

-- Joachim Inkmann (Joachim.Inkmann@uni-konstanz.de), July 14, 2000.

When I bought my 67II I purchased an additional screen, a BB61 split image. For my eyes I like the standard microprism for well lit scenes but if I know I'm going to be in low light, I switch to the split image and it helps a lot. I'm glad I thought to get the additional screen.

-- Tom Tretheway (tomt@ncal.verio.com), July 26, 2000.

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