Olympus D-340R Won't turn on. Why? Tried everything.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I used my Olympus D-340R to take pictures while on vacation. Everything was working fine. I did not drop the camera or expose it to heat or moisture. Today, I went to turn on the camera, and it will not turn on. I replaced the batteries. I even went and bought another set of batteries, and tried them. It still will not come on. I am certain the batteries are in correctly. What should I do? Is there some secret to turning it on, that I don't know?

-- Joseph P. Gibson (JPGDFS@CS.COM), July 14, 2000


Hi, If you still haven't got your camera fixed e-mail me. I had the same problem and fixed it.


-- alan (alan_alda_230@hotmail.com), August 14, 2001.

I recently had the same experience with my camera. If you figure out how to fix it, please let me know. Thanks.

-- Amy Smith (asmith3@sc.rr.com), February 20, 2002.

Also have the same problem, dealer said not worth it to fix (the 'circuit' is toast), cost over $300Cdn to fix. does not look lke the screws were even removed but what do I know. If anyone can help it would be much appreciated, but it seems to me there must be a cheaper way to fix it.

Please email if you can help.

-- Al Miller (ablake.miller@marsh.com), March 05, 2002.

I had the same problem. The camera was no longer under warranty. I sent it back to Olympus and they fixed it for $115, and extended the warranty 6 months. I wasn't happy, but it was better than having a useless camera.


-- paul kirchner (pkirchner_45@yahoo.com), August 27, 2002.

I had the same thing happen. Just out of the blue it quit nothing. I cannot afford a new camera right now and need mine for auction pictures. If anyone out there knows how to fix it I would be eternally grateful.

-- Mary A Porter (TAZZ@MLYNK.COM), September 17, 2002.

I am so sorry I hit the wrong key in my original post on my email address. But I still need help with my camera not working. It just quit for no apparent reason. any help will be greatly appreciated. I am truly sorry for the typ on the previous message.

-- Mary Porter (tazz@mlynk.com), September 17, 2002.

I had the very same problem with my Olympus D-340R, I have replaced the batteries,memory card and even tried to use an adapter but still dead as a door knob! I think we have enough people on this board to do something about this,I payed over $400.00 at Kmart for this Camera and I want it replaced I am sending this info from this message center to Olympus, They have to know that this camera is faulty,there are just to many people with the same problem to be a concidence. Who's with me? Email me.

-- Sarah Roth (vampyr@comcast.net), December 24, 2002.

I have the same experience with no answer. Please let me know what to do.

-- P. schroeder (pschroeder76@charter.net), January 09, 2003.

I have the answer because I already fixed one. This is not something for someone who has never worked on surface mount components on a circuit board before to do. If your interested in having your camera fixed I can probably do it. Several conditions will apply though. You can Email me at render3d_dot_com@yahoo.com for details. I don't charge much.

-- (render3d_dot_com@yahoo.com), April 11, 2003.

Same thing just happened with my 2500L. I've sent out a couple of emails on it. If anyone has the answer, I'd really appreciate the help.

-- RBagby (robert.bagby@polk-fl.net), April 22, 2003.

It's an easy fix and worth it if don't want to get it fixed by olympus. They charge you about half of the the camera is worth.


-- Brian Swiecicki (aliendeadbeat@yahoo.com), May 05, 2003.

Same thing with me!

-- CB Averitt (xxcbxx@hotmail.com), May 05, 2003.

I am able to fix the Olympus 340R/360L Camera power problems in many cases. I can do this for about $50. Conditions apply, and the problem must be the "typical" power issue that frequently occurs with these cameras. I have fixed 3 of them for some very happy people. Email me if you are interested.

--David Ellman

-- David Ellman (greenspun@xmelman.fastmail.fm), February 19, 2004.

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