Analog settings for : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread |
I swore I wouldn't play this game and it's variances ever again because of trying to tweak the controls just right. So I decided to try again. An hour later, I haven't come close to breaking 100k. This game is one on my list I will never play again on mame untill the controls are 99.9% of the arcade controls, period. I played a game in the arcade last night and got 1,396,730 with no problem other then I died 6 times and the computer only gave me like 6 men from capsules. Big difference from Zack Hample's stats:Finished the game with 2 men 13 men from capsules Had 1,085,000 by stage 33 = 1,585,000
Very fustrated, Steve Krogman
PS What are the players in marp using for their analog settings?
-- stephen krogman (, July 16, 2000
I use the default settings for the speedy clones of Arkanoid, (Including taito bootleg) and I raise it to 40% sens. at the US, Japan and World versions.. Just cause it4s to slow to move the pad...Arkanoid II i also leave to default..
But I can tell you Steve that Arkanoid is frustationg for me to on MARP... Damn! I have only scored about 200k something.. And over 1mil on the arcade..
I use an ordinary mouse, and I hate it! I have tried a trackball but it4s even worse.. QT uses an "intelimouse" something with no "ball" inside the mouse.. he says that it is easier with it, but not much..
I have seen good spinners at some sites, do you know any good ones Steve??
-- QRS (, July 16, 2000.
QRS,40%? I had the dam thing up to like 80% and it still wasn't fast enough. I have a P233 so I know it's not the cpu speed. I have a Twisy Grip Spinner I bought a year ago from this guy Rick Martin who manufactured a bunch of them very well made from his home. He also designed and manufactured a Star Wars Yoke which looked really cool from the pics. I do believe he got out of making them and instead is selling the blue prints to do it yourself for both units. I have no way to get ahold of him cause his email addy doesn't work but now I'm stuck with this spinner controller that I cannot get working because of a mouse driver conflict in my computer. If I can figure out how to get it to work without confusing the other drivers I may be able to set the controls to the sensitivity I desire. I haven't bothered with it cause I got fed up and if I try again and still can't figure it out, I will sell it.
Regards, Steve Krogman
-- Steve Krogman (, July 16, 2000.
I generally play on default settings, and if I'm not getting enough control, I bump up the settings another 10%. I think I have the overall high with 300K+ on Arkanoid (US), but that isn't much to boast about. Then again, considering how hard that was with the controls, it probably would have been a complete game in the arcade.Too bad, because I know MARP has at least 4 players who can complete the game.
-- Q.T.Quazar (, July 17, 2000.
Now that you mention it tho', Steve, I'm extremely frustrated with the controls on Star Wars. Does anyone have a workable set of analog settings for this game? I cannot for the life of me finish Trench 5 with the Force bonus. And that's close to all that's required for first on this game. (I actually did it once, and then unbelievably missed the freaking exhaust port)Q.T.Quazar
-- Q.T.Quazar (, July 18, 2000.