coolpix 950 and palm Vx can't live on the same laptop : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Help. I'm no longer able to download my pictures to my laptop ever since I loaded my palmpilot Vx. I've already followed the advice on the palmpilot CD but still no success. Any other tips will be greatly appreciated. Its getting very crowded on the Nikon Coolpix 950 already.

-- peter san diego (, July 16, 2000


Use a PCMCIA flash card adapter, you can plunk the adapter right into the side of your laptop and read the card without hooking up the obnoxious serial cable on the 950. Very simple and only about $20.

-- Cris Daniels (, July 16, 2000.

Also, you can try this. Do a "control-alt-delete" and disable the listed "hotsync" application for your Palm pilot. It is controlling the port you want to use. After you're done with your camera, you can reenable it or it will automatically come up when you "restart". I had the same problem with my Oly 320.

-- Virgil Howarth (, July 17, 2000.

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