Need help buying rechargables for Canon : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread |
I want to buy rechargable batteries and charger for my A50 Canon. In an earlier response to Barbara C (July 99) you mentioned Thomas Distributing link on the front page of the Imaging Resource. I could not find this. Where is the best place to purchase what I need. Do I need something special because it's Canon or can I get something not too expensive. The one we looked at today was $90. plus $40 for an additional battery. Is there a phone number for Thomas Distributing? I would appreciate any help you can give me. Thx.
-- El Weilliams (NCGATH@MSN.COM), July 19, 2000
Thomas is at . If your A50 used AAs (you don't say), buy the Maha C204F charger with Maha 1550mAh MiMH cells. It's the arguably best charger you can buy, and from Thomas it includes the auto-cigarette-liter powercord. The Maha cells are among the best. Buy some extras.
-- jeffrey behr (, July 19, 2000.
Check out They have the the recharger + battery for $77.99, add'l battery for $35.99. Also check out CNET Shopper, for cheaper pricing (I also have the A50). Good luck!
-- B Burke (, July 20, 2000.