Where have all the posters gone long time passing?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Sound Bytes : One Thread |
The subject says it all..... just wondering....
-- Lisa (cslmc@eiu.edu), July 19, 2000
Lots in VIP, Lisa. A few here.Lots just giving up.
So it goes.
-- GRC (GRCCGR@hotmail.com), July 19, 2000.
LISA, I'm here, on occasion! I keep checking, and nothing is going on. Want to meet me here for a nice cold drink and talk about it tomorrow night? I'm buying!
-- BG (blackmon@llano.net), July 20, 2000.
Hi Lisa! I've been lurking around here a little. I must say, having seen VIP, that the DB halls were truly excellent. I'm not sure I like the format here a lot.Anyway, I'm leaving for two weeks holiday in China tomorrow, so I won't be posting 'till I come back in August. Perhaps I'll manage to post a message from Shanghai, but you never know... Take care everyone, and I hope $B$is back online when I get back!
-- horst (elder_brain@yahoo.com), July 20, 2000.
Horst have a good holiday and see you when you get back!!I hate VIP!!!! :o(
-- Lisa (cslmc@eiu.edu), July 20, 2000.
that's OK that you hate VIP, lisa...really...we don't mind...
-- LunaticFringe (whatever@wherever.com), July 21, 2000.
What is VIP?
-- BG (blackmon@llano.net), July 21, 2000.
BG, check your e-mail.
-- nicole (you.know@me.com), July 22, 2000.
A Vast Right Wing Conspiracy!Yes, that's it. All the political problems of the Democratic party are a direct consequence of that fact.
I rather enjoy the power although I suspect this rationale has as much legitimacy as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
-- Billybob 9 (Muawiyah@hotmail.com), July 22, 2000.
when we "hate" goin' somewhere, lisa...that means we don't show our faces....you have shown yer face in VIP...that must mean you "dislike" instead of hate?...
-- LF (somewhere@nowhere.net), July 25, 2000.
I haven't the remotest notion what that emoticon means, Lisa.But I don't like the format at VIP, either.
-- GRC (GRCCGR@hotmail.com), July 25, 2000.
Don't be stuffy, GRC... it means the opposite of :o), which you do understand.....
-- Lisa (cslmc@eiu.edu), July 26, 2000.
Oh, and LF, I tried it out, before saying I hated it.... hating something untried is immature, to say the least.....
-- Lisa (cslmc@eiu.edu), July 26, 2000.