Brutale : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Get your orders in...Brutale, Monster beater? If they make a 600cc Brutale at a "decent" price, I may line up for one.

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This will be the forums homepage. I'm working on it now, if someone wants to help, please email me.

-- mod (, July 20, 2000


I thought the Brutale was going to use the same 750cc mill as the F4S. I had only heard about the 750cc powerplant and the alleged 900cc powerplant that they were working on. Anyway, the next deposit I'm going to make with MV will be when they announce that they are manufacturing that beautiful matte black F4S they were showing at a prior European bike show. Casoli should make replacement matte black plastics for the F4S.

Heh, I've been waiting one year so far on the F4S waiting list so I'm in no big rush to place another deposit on an MV product.

-- Tom (, July 20, 2000.

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