Kansas Champs info (tentative)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

OK will host the annual Kansas O' Champs on December 2, 2000.

Although we do not yet have permission from the park (we completed the paperwork this week), the plan is to have the event at Clinton State Park. Mary has volunteered to be meet director and Dan will set the courses.

The Kansas Champs is the day before the "Possum Trot" -- so there is a good chance the weekend of orienteering will attract some travellers. In the past few years, we've had competitors from as far away as Massachusets, Wyoming, Arizona, England, and Sweden.

Look for more info as the plans get set (and once permission is secured). In the mean time, start thinking about helping out. We'll definetely need help checking control locations; working registration, finish, and results; teaching beginners; etc.

-- Michael (meglin@juno.com), July 22, 2000


The Clinton SP Office has officially approved the State Champs. It's time for the course setter to determine where the start/finish should be. A reminder it's $4 per car to enter the park.

-- mean gene (gmw@ukans.edu), July 25, 2000.

It would be very good if the course setter could have a few copies of the map.

-- Snorkel (danielmeenehan@aol.com), July 28, 2000.

FYI - I now have it on good authority that Snorkel acquired some maps of Clinton S.P. at noon today. OKers need not worry about Snorkel's coursetting abilities. I'm sure that those maps are now in capable hands and we'll see a fine meet in December.

-- Mook (everett@psi.edu), July 28, 2000.

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