How to build a spinner is several not-so-easy steps... : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

For those of you complaining about Arkanoid (myself included :) )

-- Q.T.Quazar (, July 24, 2000


Subject: How to get yourself a spinner in one easy step: Go out and buy yourself a Logitech Wingman Warrior joystick.

-- Jason Hoseason (Jazz) (, August 11, 2000.

Yeah, If you can find one... + the joystick itself is totally useless for MAME

-- Tommi (, August 11, 2000.

Dunno if it`s useless for MAME. Unless I`m missing something , it looks like Tron could be easier to play. Now that WOULD be nice....

-- AL (, August 12, 2000.

Its very good for Discs of Tron because you can use the hat control for aiming up and down as well. The Wingman's spin control is better than keyboard for games like midnight resistance, heavy barrel etc. but not as good as the original arcarde stick with the "fixed step" rotating head.

-- Jason Hoseason (Jazz) (, August 12, 2000.

OK , Jason. I`ve got a Wingman Warrior in front of me, properly installed etc... but can`t get it to work right. The joystick is OK, but the spinner won`t work? I`ve tried every setting, blah blah, but to no avail.What did you do to make it work ? I may have missed something, which is why I`ve asked my MAME expert to come over next week to help me out. But Arkanoid + Tron are so close.....( it`s a God-damned good dial/spinner ).

Be glad to hear of any suggestions from anyone...

AL ( who thought tonight was the night when Arkanoid could be properly played.........sigh )

-- AL (, August 28, 2000.

I'm not sure, but doesn't it work on Windows-MAME only. Try: Options,Default Options, Controllers---default input layout: standard, and X into "use joystick's spinners"

First make sure it works on Windows, look at control panel, game controllers...

OOps, readme.txt says that you can add an option "-joy wingwarrior" into commandline: That must mean DOS version.

Am I going to get my ass kicked on Tron now ;)

Tommi, whose PC has been broken for couple of weeks now(power supply popped and broke other components too I think, going to cost me much : (

-- Tommi (, August 29, 2000.

Yeah, I tried all those options. It`s just the spinner which is giving me the problem. Everything else is OK. I`ll keep 'fiddling' around with it until I get it to work.

As for whipping your ass at Tron....doubt it ! But it only took my friend 4 weeks to learn to play indefinitely ( arcade-days, that is), so who knows :)

Actually, I`ll try using a DOS version. Never thought of that. Thanks for the idea.


-- AL (, August 29, 2000.

Al, tell us if/when you get it working, and how how you did it. I bought WingWar about year back, but couldn't get it work on MAME either. I returned it to shop...

Tommi, who is still waiting with Dragons Lair deluxe pack his PC to be fixed

-- TJT (, August 30, 2000.

Tommi, no luck. I thought I almost had it. I was using TGMAME with A@H front-end , and there was a drop-down menu with lots of different input devices , WW included. Sweating profusely , I started-up Arkanoid , but nothing worked. It didn`t even recognise the stick or buttons. It`s just not fair :(

-- AL (, August 30, 2000.

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