FD Lens Mount Repair?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Canon FD : One Thread

I have a New FD 400mm f/4.5, from which the "AE Switch Pin" has disappeared. Since there is no repair available within 100 miles of my home, and the lens would have to be shipped anyway, does anyone have a favorite repair service that they would recommend? Thanks in advance for your help!

-- Alan Swartz (swartz@tyler.net), July 25, 2000


I have used Strauss Professional Technical Services in Washington, DC with good results.

-- Terry Carraway (TCarraway@compuserve.com), August 01, 2000.

I have an FD 300/f:4 L that has something rattling around in it. I am fairly sure it is the nut that holds the release button for one of the drop-in filters, because the lens came with a filter with the button missing, and I was able to shake the button out of the lens. The nut is somewhat smaller, so I think it's worked its way into the mount. It doesn't seem to be doing any harm, but I wouldn't want it to get caught in the shutter at some inopportune moment. So I would like to remove the mount and see if I can get the nut out.

I've removed an FD mount before, but never with the intention of putting it back. Any recommendations on making sure I get all the linkages right (there are 2, right?--one to transmit the aperture setting to the camera, and one to stop down the lens)?

-- David Goldfarb (dgoldfarb@barnard.edu), March 24, 2001.

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