Gordon Hutchings

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Does anyone know where I could find G.hutchings work? has view camera ever printed his stuff? if so which issue?-J

-- josh (devil_music@usa.net), July 31, 2000


Mr Hutchings work has been in two of the last four issues. One is an interview and the other is part of a group essay on teaching large format. Mr Hutchings has skills.

-- Kevin (kkemner@tateandsnyder.com), July 31, 2000.

I saw an exhibit in person at a camera store/gallery a couple years again in Toronto. The prints are very good. Most landscapes are about the scene however his prints are also about the light. The gradation was superb. I put them right up there with Edward Weston prints. The highlights always looked good not burned out. One print the only one I've saw sparkled and in mean it reflected light. All the talk in his book is true however results vary. He does teach at the Maine photographic workshop and the Photographic Formulary Workshop. He is from Northern California so his prints are probably in a gallery in that area. He is really good friends with the publisher of View Camera so you can ask that magazine for more information. However seeing it publish is one thing. Seeing it person is in this case very important.

-- David Payumo (dpayumo@home.com), July 31, 2000.

I saw an exhibition in person at a camera store/gallery a couple years ago in Toronto. The prints are very good. Most landscapes are about the scene however his prints are also about the light. The gradation was superb. I put them right up there with Edward Weston's prints. The highlights always looked good not burned out. One print I saw sparkled and I mean it reflected light like glare from the sun. All the talk in his book is true however results vary. He does teach at the Maine photographic workshop and the Photographic Formulary Workshop. He is from Northern California so his prints are probably in a gallery in that area. He is really good friends with the publisher of View Camera so you can ask that magazine for more information. However seeing it publish is one thing. Seeing it person,is in this case, very important.

-- David Payumo (dpayumo@home.com), July 31, 2000.

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