Royal Arches : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

Can u Please Give me some Beta on The Royal Arches route in the valley. I know its 17 pitches but i dont know how long it takes and if it could be done in a day.

-- Russ W. (, July 31, 2000


If you are a strong 5.7 climber, it can easily be done ground-to- ground in a day. The climb will generally take 4 to 6 hours, depending on how fast you are moving. The rap will take about 3 hours, the walk-off will take about the same IF you know where you are going in the North Dome gully...

-- Jim Leininger (, August 01, 2000.

start early or you'll be following troops all day (6 am is best) rap route can be tricky (stay to the left) north dome decent is pleasant but long. 17th pitch is, let's say "exciting" bring approach shoes for the rap or walk-off lots of water, two 60 meter ropes unless you decide to walk off

-- Jumpin G. Hosaphat (, August 13, 2000.

I know 2 people who can do it in 55 minutes, car to car

-- joo (, December 08, 2002.

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