For Kymm -- My Design (not a question) : LUSENET : Hedgehog Talk : One Thread

Kymm -- I'm unable to send email at the moment, so I couldn't answer your question.

In short -- the graphic isn't meant to be a background, it's meant to be sliced up and dropped into tables to sit around the text.

I'll send you a more detailed email about it plus some code when I get home tonight

Sorry about the confusion.

-- B

-- Beth K. (, August 01, 2000


Whoops! Of course, it looked like a background to me and I'm not great with tables so there you go.

You must remember that with all of my talk about hand-coding and pussies and things, my html skills are so limited as to be summed up like this: the most complicated thing I know is how to use a < pre > tag!

-- Kymm Zuckert (, August 01, 2000.

*chuckle* *snug* No problem babe -- I'll twizzle you up a swank table in a jiffy tonight and send it on over.

-- Beth K. (, August 01, 2000.

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