SF rowing clubs?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

My father once told me he was a member of one of SF's rowing clubs. I'm not sure which one. I remember that there was one called the Dolphin Club and another called the South End Rowing Club, or at least, something close to that. Does anyone have any first-hand experiences with these organizations, particularly in the 1920s or 30s? I would love to hear some reminiscenses. Thanks from a son of a Son of North Beach, D.M.

-- Don Martinich (dutchm@dcn.davis.ca.us), August 05, 2000


I have experience with both clubs, but my experience is much more recent. There is a book on the history of rowing in San Francisco. I think you can find it fairly easily through an Internet search. I am, however, looking for anyone who has information on the Whitehall pilots and the subesequent rise of rowing competitions in the 1800s. Any information appreciated.

-- Eileen Hansen (ehansen001@aol.com), August 20, 2003.

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