Upcomming Schedule of Junkyard warsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Junkyard Wars : One Thread |
Is it possible to receive a schedule of future shows, listing projects and teammates? We're interested in following a local team from Barberton/Akron, Ohio. They will be flying to England August 10, 2000.
-- Janice R Geib (jrgeib@neo.rr.com), August 05, 2000
The Rusty Juveniles went up against the "Young Guns", a team from Stanford University. You will have to contact TLC and ask.
-- Jeff (dp@the-nerds.org), September 01, 2000.
Episodes featuring the most recent American teams will be airing in January. Specific days have yet to be decided.
-- alison boesel (alison_boesel@discovery.com), September 15, 2000.