I found a Maine Coon Cat - I think!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

This past Christmas Eve my landlady's dog treed a kitten in my front yard. I climbed the tree and rescued him. He was very furry and all black with green eyes and very scared. I took him in, fed him and asked around for his owner. I never found out who he belonged to so I took him to my vet and he became my new little roommate. He was actually 5 months old when I found him but because he was malnourished he looked much smaller. Now that Nicholas is one year old he has a very large plume like tail, tufts of hair between the pads of his paws, his chest is quite large and has lots of fur sticking out on it, he weighs over ten pounds, he loves to splash and play with water and he will chirp and cry out to me if I am not in the same room as he is. Is he a Maine Coon? He also had a swollen lymph node at 7 months in his leg. Are there any hereditary diseases I should be aware of? It went away with antibiotics. I don't know his health background because he was a stray.

-- Anonymous, August 06, 2000



Just my suggestion, since I had a Maine Coon once. My Maine Coon, Bobby, "trilled". He made little "bird" sounds (almost like chirping) and he almost never "meowed." So generally I go by sound...he could be a Maine Coon or a half breed.

Hope this helps.

-- Anonymous, August 09, 2000

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