Wallet Size Printinggreenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
Is there a filter that you can use for printing 8 wallet size prints on an 8 x 10 paper? Or do you just have to use multiable exposures with masks? Thanks in advance. Chet
-- Chet Baxter (cbaxter@eesus.jnj.com), August 07, 2000
There may be a prism or mirror attachment for your enlarger that gives two images, but I doubt that you'll find an optical way to do more. I found that the fastest way to get the job done is to cut your paper to the size of the individual prints and do them one at a time, then develop four or so at a time. I rigged my rotary paper trimmer with a set of stepped stops that position an 8x10 sheet for cuts into 5x8, then 4x5, then 2.5x4 without my having to look at anything. The stops are just pieces of old prints laid one atop the other and taped to the trimmer easel to provide stops at 5, 4, and 2.5 inches.
-- Keith Nichols (knichols@iopener.net), August 07, 2000.
Saunders used to make and probably still makes a mutli-print easel. Premier makes one as well. The easel has base and a carriage. The base stays still and the carriage moves to various positions to put multiple prints on a single sheet. The top has windows of various sizes that mask the boarders and shield the paper from unwanted image light.Neither is exactly cheap, but the Premier is considerably less than the Saunders.
-- Charlie Strack (charlie_strack@sti.com), August 07, 2000.
I use a Durst 'Commask' that has little flaps that flip out of the way. It's double sided and does one masked (10mm border) 8x10 on one side and the other side does four 4x5's or two 5x8's (all with borders so actual print size is slightly smaller). It's quite handy for doing multiple prints.
-- Nigel Smith (nlandgl@unite.com.au), August 07, 2000.
The Saunders version is the PR810. It is not cheap new, but shows up occasionally on eBay for a good price.
-- Terry Carraway (TCarraway@compuserve.com), August 08, 2000.
I've used one of the Saunders multi print easels for years, principally to make two 5x7 Christmas cards on a single 8x10 sheet, and thereby cut my developing time in half. But it will also make 4 4x5 or 3.5x5 prints, or six wallets, on an 8x10 sheet, depending on which mask you place over the main opening. The carriage has left, center and right positions - center is used only for the wallets.It is a very versatile and rugged tool. I'm sure I paid a lot for it 20 years or so ago, but I've used it a lot, it still works like new and I can't begin to remember what it cost.
-- Kip Babington (cbabing3@swbell.net), August 09, 2000.