tricks page : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Congrats to BJW who managed to finish pnickj ; as he didn't beat his score his input is on the tricks page (new challenge for you Ben ? best score AND level 100 in the same input)

But I've seen that a lot of scores on this page are made with such old versions as m30 which is a pain to playback ; it would be great if the specialists of these games could make again their tricks with more recent versions (for example the famous touchdown after the kickoff on "10 yard fight")

-- phil (, August 08, 2000


Thank you. Yes, I'm still working on finishing it and beating the high score in the same game. So far, I've finished the game four times, but my best score was "only" 297k.

And, yes, I agree that that page has been ignored for too long. A lot of new tricks, weird things, bugs, easter eggs, etc. have been recorded, but never been put on that page.

As for the touchdown on return, my current "yard" recording (the one from T3) actually has two of them in a row...

Cheers, Ben Jos.

-- Ben Jos Walbeehm (, August 08, 2000.

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