Coolpix 990 locks up when you turn it off : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I recently purchased a Coolpix 990 and have been having a problem with it locking up when turning it off. I have to open the battery compartment and reclose it so the camera will function again. I called tech support at Nikon, but there only suggestion was to reset the camera via the menu. I seem to recall seeing something about this someplace on the web.

Has anyone else had this problem and it there a fix short of sending the camera back to Nikon for repait.

-- John Sturtevant (, August 09, 2000


Turn it off only after the image has been taken and the green light (next to the optical viewfinder) stops blinking. However, if you have been careful about that and it still locks up on you with any kind of regularity, then I would have it looked at. I've only had it happen with my 990 (and before that a 950) when I rush the process.

-- Ted (, August 10, 2000.

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