Fashion advice sought : LUSENET : The Semicolon : One Thread

Well, will I have to wear pink legwarmers with my neat black slacks and my white blouse? How do I hide them? Should I, instead, freeze to death but preserve style?

The Grammarqueen

-- The Grammarqueen (, August 10, 2000


One word. Thermals.


-- Ty (, August 11, 2000.

To the frozen grammerqueen, who incidentally has been subjected to the Hal 5000 air conditioning unit: you should not forget the puffy fuchsia ear muffs and a tangerine ski cap with newly accessorized beanie rotors(rainbow in color of course) so you know when Hal is directly targeting you with that blast of artic air.

-- Paige Ivey (, August 15, 2000.

Hey, don't ask me.... I'm strictly a skirts and dresses kinda gal... which means, yeah! legwarmers! You can always slide them off if you need to meet with some high muckety-muck down the hall....

-- Tamsyn R. Nesbit (, September 07, 2000.

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