Colorizing B/W Photos : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

Has anyone tried to colorize B/W photos? I'd like to try to color a childs tea party and have seen a couple of kits to try. I was hoping I could get opinions on which brands/techniques might be best.

I'd love to hear ideas!!

-- Angela Morales (, August 12, 2000


There a lot of people who have asked this question. Go to the old threads part of this forum and look there for more ideas. But first I will tell you to use marshalls only if you want pastel colors on rc paper, which is all you can really get from most labs that deal with the public. If you have access to a lab or print your own use fiberbased double weight paper, and color your test strips first for practice as it is hard to erase mistakes. If you use rc paper, you can have alot of fun putting on color and then getting it right off to try again. The more saturated colors come from other color mediums. I haven't used myself but there is a lot books you can get about the subject. Ask you local Barnes and Noble to order them for you and look at them, you don't have to purchase them if they aren't what you need. It also helps if everyone is wearing very light colors or you have the pictures printed a tiny bit lighter than normal. Have fun! Jane

-- jane (, August 12, 2000.

Go to They can provide all the information you need including information for beginners.

-- Joe Miller (, August 12, 2000.

Take a look here too, just to see a great example. The one about the fog is amazing. Dean

-- Dean Lastoria (, August 15, 2000.

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